Hi, I'm Jason!

A little about me

I am a researcher and designer. I am passionate about working with people and utilizing different research methodologies to understand their needs and craft solutions to uplift them.

My journey

I began as a biology student focused on healthcare. But after working in the industry, I saw the inaccessibility with digital products with patients I interacted with. With that, I learned about the field of UX Design and pivoted.

December 2022 - Discovered UX Design and pivoted career paths senior year of college

March 2023 - Attended my first design hackathon and became more ingrained in UX Design

September 2024 - Started my master's program to get my degree in User-Centered Design

June 2024 - Will join the TD team as a Design Research Intern

What am I doing besides work and school?


and a vlogger, traveler, and pet lover …

Connect with me!

Jason | Design Researcher